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Global Response Rules

This functionality is only available to superadmins of Enterprise or Agency plans.

Global response rules define actions that a chatbot should take when a user enters a specific message. The actions include responses, ending the chatbot, blocking the user and so on.

Global response rules are checked and processed before the current chatbot receives the user message. That is, if the user types “unsubscribe”, and there is a global response rule for “unsubscribe”, the corresponding action will be taken, and the current bot will never receive the “unsubscribe” message. If there is no global response rule for a user message, then the chatbot will process that message.

To set up a global response rule, navigate to the SETTINGSAdvanced page, and go to the Superadmin Actions tab.

It may take a few minutes before changes become active.


Every global response rule consists of:

  • Required: The user message that triggers the rule. Regular expressions can also be used. For that, set the isRegEx toggle to true.

  • Optional: Up to 3 responses that the system will return to the user when the rule is triggered. One of them will be picked randomly each time.

  • Optional: An action that will be performed, along with the response returned.

    • empty (null): do nothing

    • restart: restart the current chatbot

    • end: end the current chatbot

    • block: block the IP address of the user (if web bot) and also assign flag UserBlockedByBot

    • unsubscribe: unassign the user from all schedule patterns and schedule flows, unassign flag SUBSCRIBED if it exists, and assign flag UNSUBSCRIBED

    • subscribe: unassign flag UNSUBSCRIBED if it exists, and assign flag SUBSCRIBED

    • notify: notify all agents through their preferred medium

    • notify_rolename: notify all agents of the chat through their preferred medium, but to only those with the role specified (ex: notify_admin)

    • unsubscribeAndNotify: performs the actions of unsubscribe and notify

    • unsubscribeAndNotify_rolename: performs the actions of unsubscribe and notify_rolename (ex: unsubscribeAndNotify_admin)

Advanced: Relationship to Chatbot Hashtags

Suppose you set action to unsubscribe for keyword STOP, and there is a chatbot with hashtag STOP. That chatbot will not be triggered.

In contrast, if action is subscribe for keyword START, and there is a bot with hashtag START, then that bot will trigger after the subscribe action is executed.